MojoFun Toy Models

Shop the best deals on MojoFun toy models from the top online retailers on

  • MojoFun Donkey Foal

    Price: £4.45

    Brand: MojoFun


    Description: Donkeys have a reputation for stuornness but this is due to their highly developed sense of self preservation. It is difficult to force or frighten a donkey into doing something it sees as contrary to its own best interest or safety. MojoFun Donkey Foal - shop the best deal online on

    Category: Toy Models

    MojoFun for filtered display

    Merchant: MojoFun

    Product ID: 40852377567393

  • MojoFun Hanoverian Bay

    Price: £8.45

    Brand: MojoFun


    Description: The Hanoverian is a warmblood breed; warmbloods being a mix of light and heavy horse. It is one of the oldest and most numerous of the warmbloods. Its history goes back to 17th century when Spanish, oriental, and Neapolitan stallions were imported to Germany. They were bred with local mares, possibly with some early warhorse ancestry, and here developed the Holsteiner. MojoFun Hanoverian Bay - shop the best deal online on

    Category: Toy Models

    MojoFun for filtered display

    Merchant: MojoFun

    Product ID: 40852372029601

  • MojoFun Coral Snake

    Price: £5.45

    Brand: MojoFun


    Description: Since there are few non-venomous species of snakes that look like coral snake (because of their bands and colors), there are few rhyme which help people to distinguish venomous from non-venomous snakes. The most famous one is: Red on yellow, kill a fellow and red on black, friend of Jack. MojoFun Coral Snake - shop the best deal online on

    Category: Toy Models

    MojoFun for filtered display

    Merchant: MojoFun

    Product ID: 40852371341473

  • MojoFun Chameleon

    Price: £6.45

    Brand: MojoFun


    Description: Chameleons are reptiles that are part of the iguana suborder. These colourful lizards are known as one of the few animals that can change skin colour. However, it is a misconception that chameleons change colours to match their surroundings. In fact, aB chameleon's skin changes colours in response to its emotions, such as anger or fear as well as changes in light, temperature or humidity.

    Category: Toy Models

    MojoFun for filtered display

    Merchant: MojoFun

    Product ID: 40852367573153

  • MojoFun Friesian Mare

    Price: £8.45

    Brand: MojoFun


    Description: The Friesian (also Frizian) is a horse breed originating in Friesland, in the Netherlands. Although the conformation of the breed resembles that of a light draught horse, Friesians are graceful and nimble for their size. It is believed that during the Middle Ages, ancestors of Friesian horses were in great demand as war horses throughout continental Europe. The Friesian (also Frizian) is a horse breed originating in Friesland, in the Netherlands. Although the conformation of the breed resembles that of a light draught horse, Friesians are graceful and nimble for their size. It is believed that during the Middle Ages, ancestors of Friesian horses were in great demand as war horses throughout continental Europe. MojoFun Friesian Mare - shop the best deal online on

    Category: Toy Models

    MojoFun for filtered display

    Merchant: MojoFun

    Product ID: 40852367016097

  • MojoFun Bottle Nose Dolphin

    Price: £5.45

    Brand: MojoFun


    Description: Bottlenose dolphins are generally known to have a calm and playful temperament, particularly around humans. As individuals, bottlenose dolphins are not aggressive by nature but if they feel threatened, bottlenose dolphins will use their immense pod size to their advantage which will often intimidate unwanted intruders. MojoFun Bottle Nose Dolphin - shop the best deal online on

    Category: Toy Models

    MojoFun for filtered display

    Merchant: MojoFun

    Product ID: 40852360560801

  • MojoFun Californian Sea Lion

    Price: £6.45

    Brand: MojoFun


    Description: Sea lions are often seen in large groups of sea lions. Sea lions hunt in groups and in pairs and group numbers increase during the mating season. There have been instances where sea lionshave been aggressive towards humans in the water. These acts are thought to be because the sea lions either want to play or they are male sea lions displaying and enforcing their dominance within their terrritory. MojoFun Californian Sea Lion - shop the best deal online on

    Category: Toy Models

    MojoFun for filtered display

    Merchant: MojoFun

    Product ID: 40852360528033

  • MojoFun Jersey Calf standing

    Price: £5.45

    Brand: MojoFun


    Description: The Jersey is named for its place of origin, Britain's Isle of Jersey in the English Channel. It's been a purebred animal for at least six centuries. Jerseys were imported to England on a large scale by the end of the 18th century. MojoFun Jersey Calf standing - shop the best deal online on

    Category: Toy Models

    MojoFun for filtered display

    Merchant: MojoFun

    Product ID: 40852358103201

  • MojoFun White Tailed Deer Doe

    Price: £5.45

    Brand: MojoFun


    Description: Deer are known as selective feeders and spend most of their time browsing for food with the deer mainly eating leaves. Deer are very selective in what they eat and deer therefore spend a great deal of time picking out the shoots, leaves, grasses and fruits that are easy for the deer to digest. MojoFun White Tailed Deer Doe - shop the best deal online on

    Category: Toy Models

    MojoFun for filtered display

    Merchant: MojoFun

    Product ID: 40852355219617

  • MojoFun Romney Sheep Lamb Running

    Price: £4.45

    Brand: MojoFun


    Description: Collect the cutest little Romney Sheep Lamb you ever did see! This plastic figurine is a perfect addition to your farm-themed toy collection. Bring it home today and have a baa-rilliant time! (Pssst, it also makes a great gift!). MojoFun Romney Sheep Lamb Running - shop the best deal online on

    Category: Toy Models

    MojoFun for filtered display

    Merchant: MojoFun

    Product ID: 43089625415841

  • MojoFun Romney Sheep Lamb Standing

    Price: £4.45

    Brand: MojoFun


    Description: Collect the cutest little Romney Sheep Lamb you ever did see! This plastic figurine is a perfect addition to your farm-themed toy collection. Bring it home today and have a baa-rilliant time! (Pssst, it also makes a great gift!). MojoFun Romney Sheep Lamb Standing - shop the best deal online on

    Category: Toy Models

    MojoFun for filtered display

    Merchant: MojoFun

    Product ID: 43089623416993

  • MojoFun Romney Sheep Ewe

    Price: £5.45

    Brand: MojoFun


    Description: Collect a cuddly classic with the Romney Sheep Ewe! This plastic play figure is sure to put a smile on any young farmer's face. She's perfect for your collection of farm animals, or for playing on the range! Get your hands on the Romney Sheep Ewe today!.

    Category: Toy Models

    MojoFun for filtered display

    Merchant: MojoFun

    Product ID: 43089620664481

  • MojoFun Romney Sheep Ram

    Price: £5.45

    Brand: MojoFun


    Description: This Romney Sheep Ram is sure to add some farm flair to your collection! Durably made with plastic, this sweet little animal figure is just the cutest for some pretend play fun. (Especially if you love the idea of a pet sheep!).

    Category: Toy Models

    MojoFun for filtered display

    Merchant: MojoFun

    Product ID: 43089615749281

  • MojoFun Giant Anteater

    Price: £6.45

    Brand: MojoFun


    Description: Anteaters are edentate animals meaning they have no teeth. But their long tongues are more than sufficient to lap up the 35,000 ants and termites they swallow whole each day. As the largest of all four anteater species, the giant anteater can reach eight feet long from the tip of its snout to the end of its tail. It is covered in grayish brown fur with white front legs, black stripes running from its chest to its back, and a bushy tail. MojoFun Giant Anteater - shop the best deal online on

    Category: Toy Models

    MojoFun for filtered display

    Merchant: MojoFun

    Product ID: 43086455898273

  • MojoFun Anaconda

    Price: £8.45

    Brand: MojoFun


    Description: Anacondas thrive in water when it comes to hunting, so they tend to live in habitats that complement their features such as swamps, marshes and slow-moving streams. All four species are native to South America, mainly the tropical rainforest of the Amazon and the Orinocco basin.

    Category: Toy Models

    MojoFun for filtered display

    Merchant: MojoFun

    Product ID: 43086451179681

  • MojoFun Aardvark

    Price: £5.45

    Brand: MojoFun


    Description: Aardvarks live in grasslands and dry places in Africa south of the Sahara Desert. The aardvark can reach a length of 6 feet (1.8 meters). Its head has huge donkeylike ears, a long snout, and drooping eyelids with long lashes. During the day aardvarks sleep in underground burrows. At night they dig underground for their favorite food, termites. They break open the termites' nests with their massive, flattened claws and suck up the insects with their long tongues.

    Category: Toy Models

    MojoFun for filtered display

    Merchant: MojoFun

    Product ID: 43086449049761

  • MojoFun Gorilla Female

    Price: £6.45

    Brand: MojoFun


    Description: Gorillas are close relatives to humans, sharing around 98% of the same DNA. Silverback gorillas are very intelligent animals. They are known for their use of tools and their varied communication. Some gorillas in captivity at a zoo have been taught to use sign language. MojoFun Gorilla Female - shop the best deal online on

    Category: Toy Models

    MojoFun for filtered display

    Merchant: MojoFun

    Product ID: 40852380549281

  • MojoFun Gorilla Male Silverback

    Price: £8.45

    Brand: MojoFun


    Description: Silverback gorillas are close relatives to humans, sharing around 98% of the same DNA. Silverback gorillas are very intelligent animals. They are known for their use of tools and their varied communication. Some gorillas in captivity at a zoo have been taught to use sign language. MojoFun Gorilla Male Silverback - shop the best deal online on

    Category: Toy Models

    MojoFun for filtered display

    Merchant: MojoFun

    Product ID: 40852380516513

  • MojoFun Giraffe Calf

    Price: £6.45

    Brand: MojoFun


    Description: When giraffes walk, they move both legs on one side of their body and then both legs on the other side, which is unusual. However, they run in a similar style to other mammals, swinging their rear legs and front legs in unison. They can reach 55 km/h (35 mph) at full speed but only in brief spurts. MojoFun Giraffe Calf - shop the best deal online on

    Category: Toy Models

    MojoFun for filtered display

    Merchant: MojoFun

    Product ID: 40852380450977

  • MojoFun American Flamingo

    Price: £5.45

    Brand: MojoFun


    Description: American flamingos are one of the largest species of flamingo. Found in the Cariean and along the northern coast of South America, these extraordinarily social birds live in flocks that sometimes number in the thousands. A pigment in their food gives their feathers their flamboyant pink color. MojoFun American Flamingo - shop the best deal online on

    Category: Toy Models

    MojoFun for filtered display

    Merchant: MojoFun

    Product ID: 40852380319905