Description: Introducing the Marissa Sun gift, a luxurious bouquet of Lily and Avalanche Roses, expertly crafted by our artisan florists to bring a touch of elegance and beauty to your home or office. The Marissa Sun bouquet is a stunning combination of pink and white flowers, expertly toned to create a beautiful contrast. The Lily is a symbol of purity and devotion, while the Avalanche Roses represent love and luxury. The addition of solidago and pistacia adds a delicate touch of green, tying the whole bouquet together in perfect harmony. But that's not all - we've also included our adorable and huggable 123 Flowers Sebastian the Bear to make the experience even more special. He's not just a toy, but a work of art that will make your heart skip a beat. And to add a touch of sweetness, we've included a complementary box of delicious pralines. These chocolates are made with the finest ingredients, resulting in a rich, creamy, and decadent flavour that's sure to satisfy any sweet tooth. The Marissa Sun gift is the perfect way to spoil yourself or a loved one with a luxurious and indulgent experience. It's the perfect way to show your appreciation, celebrate a special occasion, or simply treat yourself to something special. With the beauty of the Lily and Avalanche Roses, the charm of Sebastian the Bear, and the sweetness of the pralines, this gift is sure to make anyone's day brighter. 123 Flowers Marissa Sun Bundle - shop the best deal online on