Experience Days 1 Hour Light Aircraft Flying Lesson - Hertfordshire

Experience Days 1 Hour Light Aircraft Flying Lesson - Hertfordshire

Price: £175.00

Brand: Experience Days


Description: Experience Days Flying Lessons: Learning to fly is a bucket list dream for many a person, and. it's easier to achieve than you may think! With this private. 2-seater aircraft flying lesson, you can gain first-hand knowledge. and experience from a professional pilot, whilst taking in the. incredible views of the Hertfordshire and London countryside. On arrival at the aerodrome the session will begin with a. briefing, similar to those given to students gaining a licence. Even though this is a taster lesson, you'll still be treated like. you're in training to give you a realistic idea of what it takes to. become a pilot, and you may decide to continue with lessons. afterwards! The lesson starts with a demonstration from the pilot. on the ground, before you get strapped in and smoothly take off. Once airborne, the pilot will hand the controls over so you can. have your turn flying the plane, whilst taking in the incredible. views around you. Depending on the route taken, you could see: The. Shard and the London skyline, Wembley Stadium, the Lee Valley. Lakes, Luton Airport and more! The pilot will then take over again. to land, where you can share your unforgettable experience with. family and friends in the airfield cafe. Flying lessons make wonderful experience gifts for aviation. enthusiasts, and are often the start of an exciting new hobby that. can be developed over a lifetime. Treat a lucky someone to a one. hour flying lesson in Hertfordshire and make it a year to. remember!. Experience Days 1 Hour Light Aircraft Flying Lesson - Hertfordshire - shop the best deal online on giftbliss.co.uk


Category: Extreme Sports

Merchant: Experience Days

Product ID: 5212

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